Monday, September 29, 2008

The Basic Mindset...

One of the most frustrating things about
photography is having a picture you took,
turn out a lot worse than expected and not
know why! Of course you can delete the
image, but if you don't know what went wrong,
you can't correct it.

Even though you're reading trying to find out more about
basic photography tips doesn't mean you don't know
anything about photography.

I am sure that you actually know more than you think you do,
The best way to improve is to talk about it and read up and experiment.

Do you ever realize alot of times. While you
are describing something to someone
even though you are not so sure about something,
somehow the answer pops up to you when the question
is going through you mind while you are explaining.

And one more thing, Just go and do it...

You will never know until you do something.
Before you really go and do it
the only thing you have ever done is...

Heard about it
Thought about it
Talked about it

But you will NEVER experience and learn until you,

Freaking DO IT!!!

Never be afraid of making mistakes...

The more mistakes you make and correct,
the faster you will learn n improve.

Photography Basics

When I first started out in photography, I did not really have anyone
to turn to in terms of advice or help when I had questions.
Perhaps everyone faces the same problem too...

Throughout these few years, more n more people that i meet or know
has been asking me questions with regards to photography. Perhaps I
appear like an expert, or just that its my profession and people expect
you to know more. :)

Been thinking about it and I think it will be great if there i a place
for my friends
or people who know me and want to ask questions with regards to
to have a place they can go to and do that. So this blog will be that.

Starting from this week, I will try to post a writeup about questions
that I have been
asked with the answers weekly. The objective of this is for that this
will become interactive.

Meaning, any reader can just post questions to me... sharing is the
best way to learn...
and someone has told me before, sharing what you know is the best way
to know more about
what you know... :) Long winded.. but true dont you think?

Have a great week ahead... and look out for the first article... :)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The New Wave

Well well well... Its been a long time!

D got her S pass to officially start working.. GREAT!

Been pretty busy until recently and now have a few days off,

I will use them to complete the pictures for the participants of the

Totally random pictures time!