Friday, August 1, 2008

Wanted For Being Beutiful - Celebrating The Singapore Spirit.

This exhibiton of mine has been almost 6 months into the making.. n tomorrow is the launch.... am I happy??... YES!! am I tired.. YES!! I just realize that when push come to shove... the real people on your team are those that really help... lip service is not considered... and constructive criticism is good... criticism without a solution especially when all help provided is lip service is totally fucked up :) Still I love you guys!! Its the lack of sleep talking...

Anyways!!! THE WALL IS FINALLY UP!!! It feels really good looking at it... and it also feels damn strange.... when i was looking at the prints.. it looked huge.. on the wall... it looks really small.. heheh...

Just some specs...

Wall is 7.5 ft high.. and 96ft long...

There are 43 people symbolizing Singapore's 43rd year National Day.

I have worked almost 800hrs on this project...

I have spend a OBSCENE amount of money on this project... did I say OBSCENE AMOUNT OF MONEY? yea... Its all worth it...

Ok.. The wall is up... the video is here... take a peek and I hope to see you tomorrow!!! 4pm National Library at The Plaza 1st Floor!


Jenna said...

I am so happy for you!! :D

SigiL said...

Congrats Ukay! I'm sad I can't be there cuz I'm still in the US - the wall looks fantastic! Must be really laborious putting it all up.

Anonymous said...

Oops, above post was by me.