Tuesday, February 19, 2008

i cant seem to reize the pic properly for posting ley... can someone help with the html?

s63.photobucket.com/albums/h148/ukayphotography/?action=view¤t=R0010756.jpg" target="_blanksrc="http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h148/ukayphotography/R0010756.jpg" border="0" 'width=400' alt="Photobucket">

i just put the width =400 right??? wad else do i need to do.. the pics all end up looking like fuck


Anonymous said...

[a href="http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h148/ukayphotography/R0010756.jpg" target="_blank"][img src="http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h148/ukayphotography/R0010756.jpg" border="0" "width=400"][/a]

square brackets with pointy brackets.. can't post html in comments.

when u coming back?

Anonymous said...

damn... salah liow.. this is the correct code ahaha quotation marks in wrong place...

[a href="http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h148/ukayphotography/R0010756.jpg" target="_blank"][img src="http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h148/ukayphotography/R0010756.jpg" border="0" width="400"][/a]

square brackets with pointy brackets.. can't post html in comments.

when u coming back?

Anonymous said...

why not just use the blogger's own upload photo system, it will help u adjust the size nice nice..