Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Season of Giving

Season of giving... Christmas... Was walking in the malls today... Christmas carols playing everywhere... people busy shopping for presents... children enjoying their school holidays... Christmas sprit of the retail variety...

This year, whoever I ask... alwyas tell me that they are busy like crazy... the economy is really picking up, and with the increase in Taxi fares, of GST, or water n electricity, or oil... of all necessities... Singaporeans are still spending like crazy...

This christmas is still a happy one... n to welcome 2008, the year of F1 Singapore... Next year will be a year of many firsts... and a year of countless successes... More about that in the time to come.. in the meanwhile... just enjoy the holidays... welcome the new year with open arms...

I love writing sparodic snippets in one paragraph... cos my thoughts fly everywhere all the time... So if you cant catch what I am saying... :) Let it Snow Let it snow LET IT SNOW!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Britain,

发 ah !!!