Saturday, October 27, 2007

Blissful Blissful

Been super busy shooting the whole of last week. In between rushing out pictures for MPA, arranging shoots for the coming week... and also to spend time with D... its like a circus act... hahaha ok.. some impromptu n candid shots from one of the shoots...

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Prepping for the first shot.. nice dawn light we got... Jenya getting spruced up... giving instructions.... hahaha

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Looking demure... check out the next one...

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Eric trying to moon the world... sometimes i wonder...

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Jenya trying to keep cool in our humid n ridiculously hot weather...

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Final adjustment for our final shot.

Ok thats it for now... keep your eyes peeled... more coming when i get the time to process... 80gb... how how how... MPA!!!! Here I come!!!

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