Saturday, January 26, 2008

Look at the emails I get!!!

Shit.. some virus programe got into my email server.... so its sending out offers to all the ppl in my address book links to buy viagra... knn.... if any of u get it... pls ignore.. its better fixed as we speak...

Friday, January 25, 2008

One more week!!!

In one more week I will be 33, IN one more week i will be on a plane heading up north.. In one more week... many things will happen, many things will change... many many many many many... :) i just hopes it snows like hell... n everywhere is white... that will be so beautiful. Well, just confirmed a shoot with this european magazine... will post more on it later... in the meantime.. i have some more shots up from Hong Kong...

Thought of the week

It's the constant and determined effort that breaks down all resistance, sweeps away all obstacles.

Claude M. Bristo

Thursday, January 24, 2008

So touching...

I chanced upon this... its super touching ad... the Thais are really creative when it comes to advertising... there are so many fantastic ads coming from this beautiful country... check this out!

Grandpa Chew


Sunday, January 20, 2008


Finally had the time to do some personal Di work for some looonnnggggg over due pictures... well.. luckily in a way it was for myself and not for a client... I accidentally wrote over the high res file.. so if i want to print this pic.. i will have to redo it... well.. well.. in the meantime... this is the pic... She is a very very season model.. who has travelled all over the world doing nudes... she landed in singapore and i had the opportunity to shoot her... :)

REbirth.. somehow the title just sounds almost right :)

here is a link to a bigger version


Thursday, January 17, 2008


did this spread some time in HK last year... really love the feel of the whole set... take a look at the whole spread here...


Tuesday, January 8, 2008

2008.. The Year Of The Amazing....

This will be a amazing year... :) Thank you for everything... Thank you for everything... :)