Wednesday, November 28, 2007



One word, many meanings...

Stay focused and in focus...

Always with your mind focused

And eyes focused... n lens on the subject better be in focus...

no hocus pocus...

Anyways... recently a friend has been getting a little by little...more n more irriating... well.. we choose our friends... as we choose our enemies... sometimes people are too selfish for their own good... :)

Creative Growth vs Competitive Growth... How clear the enlightened mind can see... in focus...

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Today is a weird day... i woke up after finally having enough to sleep after a month or two of mucking around with not enough zzzzz... and feel even more tired than before... anyway.. as i usually am in such moods.. the lucid dreaming kind of feeling... was thinking about my photography... and about what it stands for... i find that it lacks something...something which my shots from before have... but lack the techincality and the know how to... character... soul... turning pro has it pros n cons... i am making a living from something that i really love doing.. and can never imagine doing something else... however because of this... my style has also been diluted... sad to say.. what ken rockwell says in his website rings true.. i am a whore.. whore to my trade.. i give what my clients want... n in the process... the soul that i want to give to my pictures sometimes gets casted aside in the commercial world...and given some time spent soul searching... this cannot go on anymore

This coming year some things are going to change... the style which i so love.. and which is so me.. is going to come back... be it whatever that i will be shooting... personal or otherwise... it will shine thru... n still... what my clients want... will also be provided for and more... the recent Canon shoot is proof of that... its not all the time that i am given free reign to shoot what i feel will be a series of good pictures... this time i did it.. and it turn out pretty well... very well in fact... clients love the pics... and at last after a long time... i feel really alive shooting what i shoot... pictures that i like to shoot... with the kind of feeligs that i want to put into the pictures...

The recent hong kong trip was also a very good time for me to explore what i really want from this... its not often that i get a couple of days just not doing much... it gave me time to take a step back... to look at what my career path has been the last few years... the very reason that has kept me going on till today.. the reason that i choose to go into this field...Passion...

Passion is what keeps me going... passion is what makes me give that extra effort.. to go that extra mile... to sit up late nights looking thru... editing... looking thru the pictures again... Passion is what made me go back to the studio late at night.. lighting up a lifeless mannequin... to replicate a light setup that i saw that day... Passion in doing what i love... gives me the energy to wake up at 6am for a shoot when i went to sleep at 5am that same morning... passion is what keeps the flame burning...

During the time in HK... i was also privilleged to work with a few talented people there... Harry who is under the tutorship of sean K.. one of the top stlyist around the region collaborated with me for a shoot. Ashley.. a great model/actress and Brent... Thank you guys for your great work... i am sure you will all go far... The pictures are to me the best i have shot in the recent years...

The landscape of photography is changing so fast since the time i got involved in it more than 15 years ago... and the change is rapid... the change is good... the change is exciting... the change is also merciless... and the change is relentless but one thing still stands true... a Good picture is still a good picture... A great picture is still a GREAT PICTURE.

May the passion always burn bright... and always burn true...

To many more Great Pictures to come... CHEERS!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Some pics from geoffs workshop sometime ago... just go time to put it up...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Had a good meeting yesterday evening... Masterminding.... mental masturbation of the focused mind...

anyhow... more pics more pics more pics!!!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Monday, November 12, 2007

Of times long forgotten

You contacted me hoping to get wad u want... i am happy to tell you... :)

Move on... ranting n grunting... thats so typical... pls learn fro your elders